Goddess Shakambhari
Goddess Shakambhari is a form of the Divine Mother, particularly revered in Hinduism for her role as the provider of food and nourishment. The name “Shakambhari” is derived from two Sanskrit words: “Shaka,” which means vegetables or greens, and “Ambhari,” which means one who bears or supports. Therefore, Shakambhari is often depicted as the goddess […]
Paush Purnima

Pausha Purnima is the full moon day (Purnima) that falls in the Hindu lunar month of Paush, which typically corresponds to December or January in the Gregorian calendar. This day holds religious and spiritual significance in Hinduism and is observed with various rituals and festivities. “Purnima” (Puranmashi) is a Sanskrit term meaning “fullmoon.” In Hinduism […]
Hindu lunar month of Shravan
In As per the Hindu Calendar, it is believed that Shravan month is one of the holiest months compared to all months. It is the fifth month in the Hindu calendar. However, Shravan usually falls during the Gregorian months of July and August. The Hindu lunar month of Shravan, also spelled as Sawan or Shravana, […]
Varalakshmi Vratham
Varalakshmi Vratham, also known as Varalakshmi Puja, is a Hindu festival celebrated to honor and invoke the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, prosperity, and well-being. It is typically observed by married women, who pray for the health, wealth, and prosperity of their families. The festival is observed on the second Friday or […]
Margashirsha Purnima

Margashirsha Purnima is a significant day in Hinduism, falling on the full moon day (Purnima) in the Hindu lunar month of Margashirsha, which typically corresponds to November or December in the Gregorian calendar. This day holds religious and spiritual significance and is observed in various ways across different regions of India. “Purnima” (Puranmashi) is a […]