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Dhritarashtra in Mahabharat

Dhritarashtra is a central character in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharat. He is the eldest son of King Vichitravirya and Queen Ambika, and he serves as the king of Hastinapura, albeit as a regent, throughout much of the epic. Dhritarashtra is born blind, which disqualifies him from inheriting the throne of Hastinapura under normal circumstances. […]

Shakuni in Mahabharat

Shakuni is a significant character in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharat. He is also known as Shakuni Mama (Uncle Shakuni), plays a significant and nefarious role in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharat. His character is deeply entrenched in manipulation, deceit, and revenge, and he is instrumental in instigating the events that lead to the Kurukshetra […]


Duryodhan was a central character in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharat, and he belonged to the Kaurav clan. He is one of the most celebrated and revered epics of Hindu mythology. His character is multifaceted and serves as a symbol of various aspects of human nature and ethical dilemmas. The Kauravs and the Pandavs were […]

Nath tradition in Hindusm

The Nath tradition, also known as the Natha Sampradaya, is a prominent Hindu religious tradition that traces its origins to ancient India. It is associated with the teachings of Gorakhnath, who is considered one of the most important figures in the tradition. The Nath tradition is a synthesis of various elements including yogic practices, Tantra, […]