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Vaishnava Tantras : Also known as the Pancaratra Agamas

Vaishnava Tantras are a branch of Hindu Tantra dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, particularly in his various avatars (incarnations) such as Rama and Krishna. These Tantras, also known as Pancaratra Agamas, form the basis of the Vaishnava tradition and outline the theology, rituals, and spiritual practices […]

Shakta Tantras

Shakta Tantras are a branch of Hindu Tantra dedicated to the worship of the Divine Mother, known as Shakti or Devi. In Sanskrit, “Shakta” refers to a follower of Shakti, and “Tantra” denotes the esoteric scriptures and practices that form the basis of this tradition. Shakta Tantras emphasize the divine feminine aspect of the Supreme […]

Shaiva Tantras

Shaiva Tantras are a collection of scriptures within the broader category of Hindu Tantra dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiv, one of the principal deities of Hinduism. These texts lay down the philosophical, theological, ritualistic, and meditative aspects of Shaivism, the tradition centered on the worship of Shiv. Shaiva Tantras include numerous texts, each […]


In Hinduism, Tantras refer to a diverse set of esoteric texts and practices that emphasize the worship of deities, rituals, and the attainment of spiritual power (siddhis) through various means, including mantra, yantra, meditation, and ritual. The term “Tantra” is derived from the Sanskrit root “tan,” meaning “to weave” or “to expand,” suggesting the weaving […]

Raktabija story

The story of Raktabija, the “demon of the blood seed,” is a prominent episode from Hindu mythology, particularly within the context of the Devi Mahatmya, a scripture that glorifies the goddess Devi. Raktabija was a powerful demon who posed a significant threat to the gods and the cosmic order. In the Devi Bhagavat Puran and […]