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Durga Saptashati

“Saptashati” is a Sanskrit term that translates to “seven hundred” and is commonly used to refer to the Devi Mahatmya, also known as Durga Saptashati or Chandi Patha. It is a revered scripture in Hinduism that glorifies the goddess Devi, particularly in her forms as Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. The Devi Mahatmya is divided into […]

Chand and Mund : Story

The story of Chand and Mund is a significant episode from Hindu mythology, particularly within the context of Devi worship. It is often associated with the Devi Bhagavat Puran and other texts that glorify the goddess Devi, particularly in her form as Durga or Mahakali. Chand and Mund were two powerful demons who served the […]

Devi Bhagavat Puran

The Devi Bhagavat Puran, also known simply as the Devi Puran, is one of the major Purans in Hinduism. Purans are ancient Hindu texts that contain a wide range of narratives, teachings, and mythological stories. The Devi Bhagavat Puran, in particular, focuses on the divine feminine aspect of the Supreme Being, primarily centered around the […]

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice that aims to awaken the dormant energy believed to be coiled at the base of the spine, known as Kundalini. Kundalini takes its roots from Sanskrit, meaning latent energy, or Shakti, coiled up at the base of the spine, where lies the Muladhar or Root Chakra, one […]

Kumbhabhishek and How to perform kumbhabhishek?

Kumbhabhishek is a ritual in Hinduism, particularly in the context of temple construction or renovation. The term “Kumbha” refers to a pot or pitcher, often made of metal, and “Abhishek” refers to a ritualistic bathing or anointing. During the Kumbhabhishek ceremony, sacred waters, typically from various holy rivers, are collected and poured over the top […]