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How to please Jupiter-Brihaspati during its Dasha

Jupiter, known as Guru or Brihaspati in Vedic astrology, is considered a highly benevolent planet in Navagrahas. The planet Jupiter in Vedic astrology is known as GURU, BRIHASPATI, and DEVAGURA. In Sanskrit these names mean, “teacher, lord of light, and teacher to the gods.” To enhance the positive effects of Jupiter during its Dasha, you […]

How to please Moon/Chandra during its Dasha?

In Vedic astrology, the Moon, known as Chandra, is considered a significant planet, and its Dasha is a period of time where the Moon’s influence is particularly strong. In Hinduism, Chandra is one of the nine celestial bodies known as the navgrahas. The navgrahas are believed to have a significant influence on human life, and […]