Relationship between Vishnu & Sheshnag

In Hindu mythology, the presence of Sheshnag with Lord Vishnu has deep symbolic and mythological significance. The relationship between Sheshnag and Lord Vishnu is explained through various narratives, and one of the most well-known stories comes from the Puranas, particularly the Bhagavata Purana and Vishnu Purana. According to these texts, Sheshnag was originally a […]

The Word “Shesh” comes from the Sanskrit language, which translates to “that which remains”. This means that SheshNag exists even after everything has ended. SheshNag is a cosmic serpant who is believed to support all the planets of the universe on it’s thousand heads. Sheshnag, also known as Ananta Shesha or Adi Shesha, is a […]
Hanuman: Avtar or Ansh?
Hanuman ji is ansheek of Lord Shiv and since Shiv is known as the destructor of evil, Hanumanji is known as the destructor of troubles (sankat mochan). In Hindu belief systems, Hanuman is often regarded as an “ansh” or partial incarnation of Lord Shiv. He is considered the 11th Rudra avatar of Lord Shiv, who is […]