Narsinh Mehta
Bhakt Kavi Narsinh Mehta is well known for his devotion towards Bhagwan Shree Krushna. He was a spiritual poet and has composed over 22,000 hymns and poems. His most popular bhajan is ‘Vaishnav jan to’, which had inspired Mahatma Gandhi as well.
Raag Bhupali: Raag for the Evening
This blogpost discusses the beauty and composition of Raag Bhupali.
The significance of the foster father of Krishna, reincarnation of the Hindu god of preservation.
Raag Bhairavi: The Raag to begin your day
This blogpost discusses the importance and origin of one of the most revered ragas of Indian music.
Nakul: The Exceptionally Skilled and Handsome Pandava
This blog discusses the multi-faceted personality of Nakul and his importance in the Hindu mythology.
Mahatma Gandhi – Father of India
The struggles, greatness and inspiring life journey of the famous Indian freedom fighter.
Maharana Pratap – The warrior king of Mewad
The king of Mewad – ferociously fought with the Mughal emperors and protected his kingdom for decades, even when fellow Rajput kings made an alliance with Mughal Kings.
Music of India- Ghazal
Meaning, significance and rules of this Arabic poetry form
Harishchandra: The King of his word
This blog post elucidates the legendary qualities of Harishchandra, an epitome of honesty, one who was always true to his word! Read on to know more!
Music of India – Bhavgeet
Meaning, significance and purpose of this Indian pop music form
Eklavya: The Most Devoted Student
A role model for every student, the character and sincerity of Eklavya exhibit commendable characteristics.
Music of India – Bhajan
Meaning, significance and purpose of this Indian religious music form