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Advaita: The Essence of Upanishads

This blog post throws light on the concept and philosophy of Advaita. It talks about the founding figures of philosophy and their thought and understanding of the universe behind it.

8 Siddhi

The 8 types of spiritual attainments or Siddhis in Hinduism

3 Gunas

The three qualities of nature and living beings according to Hinduism.

Vyakaran: The Science of Sanskrit

This blogpost elucidates the importance and meaning of Vyakaran. It traces the evolution of Vyakaran and the purpose of its creation. It will help the reader better understand the wisdom of the Vedas.

Types of Yoga

The various types of Yoga, their significance and benefits.

Surgery during the ancient Indian Vedic culture

According to Sushrut, surgery has the potential of generating immediate effects on the human body. It increases the span of life on the Earth by enabling people to successfully perform their duties and keep a consistent degree of proficiency in life.

Shiksha: The Vehicle of Vedas

This blogpost discusses the concept of Shiksha, its importance and its evolution into our modern concept of Linguistics and Education.

Papmochani Ekadashi Vrat

It is believed that devotees who perform Papmochani Ekadashi meticulously with pure heart and faith will get relieved from their past and present sins by Lord Vishnu’s blessings.


A science of predicting future course of actions, Jyotish is a fascinating Indian practice that has its roots in the Vedas. This blog post elucidates interesting details. Read on to know more.

Daily Vedic Pooja

This Puja is called “shodopachara” and is performed widely as part of the vedic rituals. It aims at removing all negative energies and purifies your mind and body. This purification results in naturally positive thoughts and actions intended to bring in all good things to your li